Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Spotlight: Audrey Hepburn Portraits Preview

Image result for Audrey HepburnFew can possess the mantle of icon, yet when it comes to Audrey Hepburn, (1929 –1993), another moniker just doesn't do her justice. This week, the National Portrait Gallery crowns the actress, mother, philanthropist just that, as it opens its doors to the eagerly anticipated photographic retrospective in her honour,  Audrey Hepburn Portraits of an Icon.
"We started putting the exhibition together in 2012 and really tried to represent in the show her key films and key places from her career - from films such as  War and Peace  and  Funny Face -  picking the most iconic shots from each. But she made about 30 films and we're restricted to about 80 pictures," co-curator of the exhibition Terence Pepper told us at an exclusive preview yesterday. "What was very exciting was getting permission to visit her official archive in California. It's extremely well catalogued and there are over 4000 photographs and press cuttings from her life that her mother and others had collected for her - and she kept things herself. It was really hard choosing 35 pictures out of that!"
Norman Parkinson, Cecil Beaton, Irving Penn, Terry O'Neill and Steven Meisel are all represented in the exhibition, as are many others, all of whom captured what Pepper recalls Hepburn's "new beauty".
Audrey Hepburn 1956.jpg"She was a totally new beauty, as Cecil Beaton said, with this sort of post-war glamour," continued Pepper. "What I like about her is her personality, her haircut and her eyebrows - they captivate me. And that she never wore high heels. She had an intelligence behind being sexy and she was very self-deprecating all the time. Her mother used to tell her all the time, 'I can't believe how far you've got with such little talent' - a terrible thing for a parent to say!"Few can dispute Hepburn's talent, nor her beauty, nor her style, all of which emanate from the walls of this intimate new exhibition.

Credit to Vogue.

Photographed by Norman Parkinson, wearing 
Givenchy at the Villa Rolli, Cecchina near Rome 
during the filming of War and Peace, June 1955.
Photographed by Richard Avedon, New York, 
18 December 1953.

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