Monday, 8 June 2015

Source: Employee questioned in New York prison escape...

The source would not comment on the extent of the woman's involvement or the kind of help she may have provided.
The development comes after New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said the inmates -- Richard Matt and David Sweat -- must have had help in carrying out the intricate plot. The pair, who were in side-by-side cells, used power tools to cut through the cells' steel walls and clambered through a maze of underground pipes, according to authorities.
"They wouldn't have had the equipment on their own, that's for sure," Cuomo told CNN of the convicted killers, who escaped sometime after they were last seen at bed check Friday night.
In their place, the pair left decoys to trick guards into thinking they were asleep in their bunks -- and a yellow sticky note with a smiley face. It read, "Have a Nice Day!"
 Image result for Source: Employee questioned in New York prison escape

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